March 20th to November 3rd 2024 

Childrens Bug Trail

Included in our usual admission price, free to Season Ticket Holders  

Getting Here:

Kids will become mini explorers as they follow the Bug Trail route throughout the gardens. 

Challenge your children to find, discover and discuss the questions and answers on the trail Booklet, by hunting for the trail markers, whilst discovering fun and fascinating facts about the bugs, and butterflies. Don’t forget to also look out for any Live versions en-route !

Bug trails can help to create an instant connection to the Natural World.

After all that excitement – you’ll need a well-earned rest and refreshment at our lovely Garden café 😊

On-going Learning: 

Continue the adventure…, by encouraging your little ones to spot similar bugs and butterflies in your own garden or when on countryside walks, or days out.

Many insects and bugs can be found under pots, rocks or around wooden items like tree stumps, or in and around ponds. Encourage children to take their time and look carefully, as many bugs are tiny or have the gift of camouflage making them difficult to spot.

If out and about, look for bugs on flowers and trees, or near water.

You never know, you may have an eco-kid or budding entomologist on your hands before long….!

Why is Bug hunting good for kids ?

The whole process is a great way to spark an interest in science. It encourages them to discover, observe and ask questions. It also teaches children that the art of patience, concentration and waiting can reap rewards.

Map and trail details available from the Visitor Welcome Centre.

Date & Time

March 20th to November 3rd 2024 

How to attend

you can either book online or pay on the day 

Contact details

We look forward to seeing you. Please email

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