SGCT Use of Drones Policy

We only permit the use of drones at Spetchley Park Estate if we have specifically commissioned a contractor to do so on our behalf.


We do not allow any other drone activity for a number of reasons. 

Prohibition Reasons

  • It is not practical for us to check that private drone operators are following CAA regulations.
  • Our members and visitors value the privacy, peace and tranquillity of our spaces. The presence of drones can impinge on their quiet enjoyment and therefore potentially present a public nuisance risk. 
  • We have wildlife and farm animals which are sensitive to disturbance, such as birds, deer and cattle, which could be alarmed or stressed by the presence of drones, especially at breeding times. 
  • Spetchley Park Estate is home to many families as well as businesses, our employees and volunteers, all of whom respect and value their privacy and drone use could potentially be an infringement of that privacy. 
  • Most drones have cameras attached the use of which could contravene Spetchley Park Estate rules on commercial photography and filming which are designed to protect families, employees and buildings. Anyone contravening the Estate policy by using images taken from a drone without our consent will be in contravention of GDPR guidelines and could face legal action.
  • If a drone causes damage or harm, there are some operators who would not have the correct insurances, or level of insurance, to adequately compensate those affected. 

How to ask for permission

Consequently, unless specific permission has been granted in writing, flying Drones is strictly prohibited at Spetchley Park Estate. 

If you wish to ask for permission please contact via email

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